Friday, October 10, 2008

House Hunting Trip

I'm going to Kampar tomorrow for a house hunting trip....

There's a place Hui Yun found which sounds real nice and da rent is reasonable if i can get 6 other people to come stay with me in the same hse....RM800 per month...equally divided by 7 people is RM 114.30..not including internet, electric and water bills of coz....FOOD and drinks memang not included lar~~~~Will try to ask for a bit more stuff to go with the hse~~~ maybe negotiate a bit to lower the rent :P

And also to check out some other houses belonging to my aunt's cousin...see if he can offer cheaper...with more stuff included....

Will take photos of the place...and post here when i get back on sunday...I will choose the best one then post it here~~~

Criteria s for best house:
1. CHEAP!!!
2. Close to campus...
3. Has many benefits...
4. House in good holes or leaking roofs....
5. Has basic accessories in the house, ie: kitchen, enough bathrooms with water heater...
6. Location best is between shops and campus....

Well thats abt it i guess...Should be good enough and does not hurt our wallets and savings account... More details can be discussed with me or nelson when SEM3 begins~~~

Wait for the update is ur interested~~~ ^^

Thats all for now...I'll be leaving for Kampar @ 9AM tomorrow..if all goes as planned....