Thursday, October 16, 2008

The 1st week as I see it....

Well its been an eventful week so far....Got 2 subs this sem : Social Psychology(Ms. ???) & Maths for Business and Social Sciences(Ms. Khoo) .

Ms. Khoo looks like the strict high school type discipline teacher, but she actually is quite nice...but that doesn't mean i like math...Was never really good at add-math or f4-5 math...dun really like the sub...dun get me wrong though, i can do simple math as well as basic(super basic) add-math...i like statistics though...graphs are ok too....

Social Psychology however seems like a bit of sociology + PHP + psychology. Which in turn is what i like to study. I aiming for an A in this, so need study hard for it. It may look easy but its just the beginning so u cant tell really... The lecturer has 1 flaw though...her ENG is #@%&!....She's a lecturer and her ENG is laughable!!! Its just bad, i duno whether to laugh or to point out her errors which might make her look really bad and then fail me in revenge....Kai Fu could not stand her english, so he slept through the lecture today...U can get my point... I like the sub but not the lecturer...

On day 1 , Me and Agnes cleared things up, while nelson was the witness... But even after everything she said...she still cant face me properly...i think she wont talk to me if i approach her when thr is no one around...most likely just leave a.s.a.p....Not that it matters much to me..but its a bit weird u know...being in the same class but the way she talks to me is too formal in my opinion... She is in the state of denial and avoiding me...I usually am able to talk abt the past and laugh abt the mistakes so next time it wont happen this case, all i know is that she feels constricted when around i take out all her space...which i dont...i let her roam free, knowing she wont betray me...but still its her choice...though i am sad i cant force cannot be forced...Just move on..."the worst way to to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you know can't have them"* I do agree with Hsiang on this... But wad the heck....

I'm lucky to have "smallround" as a friend~~ required her assistance in sending me to MC a couple of times~~~ Thanks ^^
Due to the fact we only have 2 days when our classes end at the same time, i was only able to tumpang her car twice. Once was yesterday and the next time will be tomorrow~~

Mum cant fetch me cuz she need do invigilating for PMR students... Lucky to have such a good friend~~^^
Once again I Thank You....Too bad today our times end differently~~ XD
I got caught in the rain thx to Nelson's 乌鸦嘴 it rained while I was walking half way towards MC...Lucky got some trees to cover a bit...if not lagi wet...

Well thats about it~~~ Nelson and I are going to Kampar tomorrow to pay the deposit for the house... Many others are also going there tomorrow...Meng Leong, Kai Fu, Wei Wern and 2 more car loads of people are going look for a home ^.^v Might see them there when I get there....

I might write again later^^ bye bye for now~~~