Monday, July 14, 2008

Comics I drew in today's Mass Comm Lecture

Part 1: One day a spirit came upon a turtle. Upon seeing the spirit, the turtle hid into his shell in fright.

Part 2: In his desperation to get away, the turtle strapped himself to a rocket and wore a helmet. In his hurry to leave he did not notice he placed himself in front of a wall. He climbed onto a scate board and lit the fuse. The spirit's expression was: =.=''' ; It thought to itself:"Am i really that scary?"

Part 3: In a few seconds all that was heard was a loud KABOOM!!! The rocket had exploded! The shock waves blew away the spirit~~~~ Spirit: XO help~~~~

Part 4: By the time the spirit floated back, all that remained of the crazy turtle was a pile of ashes, and to think that all the spirit wanted was to ask the turtle for directions back to its body...
Silly isn't it? +.='''
To be continued if i ever get the urge to draw more~~~
Enjoy ~~~


枫 秋 @ Asahini Youtoba said...

Thx, dear~, it does make me feel well, hehe~~~ luv ya, muax~~~