from left[Lin Chong, Lik Nang, Chen Chuan(duno if spelled right sry~)]
Short story to follow:
Once upon a time, there was a fish who turned fishermen into fish. This fish was a magical fish, it would have been a prize catch for whoever caught it. According to legend, it would bring luck to the person who caught it. So everyday, fishermen would go out to sea to try and catch this fish. But this fish being magical was very cunning. It made a fool of those trying to catch it.
Here is how the whole scene happened:
A fisherman saw the fish swimming near the surface then called out to the other fishermen in the vacinity to come and see. They came. The firsherman then tried to catch the fish with his bare hands. Of course he didnt get the fish, whoever heard of a person catching a fish with his bare hands? Actually he wanted to use his net, but the fish cast a spell and made him change his mind. The other fishermen laughed at his stupidity. (In cantonese read the following sentence) The fish made the fisherman fish, others laughed at the fisherman and said: you fish lar. Then with a POP! the fisherman became a fish but nobody noticed becaused they were laughing. Over the next few weeks, the same thing happened. Soon all the fishermen of that village became fish and the villagers though they had all died trying to catch that fish.
The summary of the story is never say: " The fish made the fisherman fish, others laughed at the fisherman and said: you fish lar! " in cantonese by the sea or pond where there are old legends about this fish.
The fish made the fisherman fish, feeling so fish, he decided to kill himself, but the fish had other plans for him, so it cast a spell on the fisherman and turned him into a fish as he entered the water.
Edited from an e-mail an old friend of mine sent me....I cant remember much of it. Made up parts of it which I forgot. Weird really, it was funny when i first read it a few years ago....duno if it still has the effect in this post.... :P
So??? Is d three musketeers turn into fishie??? Or other fishermen turn into fishie???
Nope lar~~~
Other fisher men turn into fish~~~
seperate de~~~
i lazy make 2 post mar~~~
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