Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A summary of today ( nth after 5pm though) Part 1

Well class starts at abt 12pm today so lucky no nid wake up soo early~~~

Everything seemed well and it looked like a good day, slightly cloudy, not too warm not rainy either~~

Reached school at 9am++ was suppose to meet up with Agness to play tarrot cards~~^.^v my luck did change & everything dat was predicted was abt 99% true~~ 1st round was 80% true abt my relationship with "A", its an on/off relationship but nid alot of hard work to keep relationship running....

Then i tried again to c wad my luck wif "B" was. Wow lucky~~~Our love started but had alrdy wizzed away(died away)~~~According to the cards, we were at one point made for each other but that fell apart and now thr is no turning back....(doesn't sound good does it?) But nvr mind~~ At least it makes me feel at peace...Can focus more upon "A"~~~ v^.^v ~~~

Well i think da GODs were listening when i played da cards the 1st round....they seem to be testing me....not long after i gt home, after a heck lot of sms's in between with "A", her dad called to say she was not allowed to come my hse. His excuse was dat her studies were more important and he had prepared 4 her to have a tuition class on da day whr she was suppose to come by my place....haiz....all the planing and preparations wasted....T_T...was looking forward to be with her~~~even if it was just for 4~5hrs....sob.....T^T....waaaaa....T_T.....

To be continued. That's all for now, waiting 7pm to come~~~ Cant wait play ROhan to get my mind of things~~~haiz.....T^T....