Saturday, May 17, 2008

Girls Love Bad Boys, true / false, you decide~~~

OK OK, many of us have heard about this...Good girls always fall for the hunky, sexy or rich guy. Bad boys are classified in my opinion as 2 different types:

1. The all hunky, muscular, criminal recorded(did somethings wrong lar, ex: illegal racer) brain dead, idiot bad boy.

2. The other is the more professional based bad boy. He usually seems clean from the outside. Average~Excellent student, polite,courteous and the rest of it, but inside, always a scheming fella. Harming people from behind the scenes, usually the boss behind the 1st type of bad boys~~~( You get my point ) The one with the brains and knows how to use it.

Well somehow girls always go for the 1st type. Don't ask me why, but i think it must be the looks. Those guys may look like they are strong and all outside, but some of them are just a show, sissy on the inside. When a fight arises, 6/10 of them will disappear or render themselves totally useless. ( If and only if their girlfriends are not around, so choose wisely when you want to whack them~~^.^v) As for brain dead, don't you agree? Big tough guys small brain, cant solve a problem wreck it, cant get pass an obstacle wreck it. They do give out a sense of security and are easy to manipulate, it's like having a guard dog which speaks. Crazy in my opinion. Not that I'm saying girls don't protecting. Some of them do. Some don't coz their martial arts or karate skills might be better than most guys~~~( all you hear is 'HIIIYAAAAHH' and u can kiss father's day good bye. Ouch! )

The 2ND type usually have the "I'm available sign" hanging on them. Invisible to most girls. If all brains and good guy looks ( nerdy~normal) are a turn down then all guys would turn into the 1st type of bad boys. No brains, good looks. "Ewwwweee~~~", quoted from Bright Bear. Well the second type of guys really are the best. They are loyal, caring and 90% honest with their girlfriends. Always leave a 10% for unexpected lies / small white lies. As I've said, all good on the outside minus the looks for some, but a scheming pro on the inside. Get on the wrong side of this person and you can kiss your career, honour, money and even your life( not death by the way) good bye. Call them backstabbers, blackmailers or what ever, they are the one's who strike more deepening fear and damage to their enemies. There is no need for violence, why shed or waste all that blood and tears? I envy this type of people. The BOSS behind the bosses. Hahaha.......

=.=''' : 'Where was I?' Ah yes, so now which type of bad boy are you guys who read this? As for the girls please do give your comments or thought upon this subject, weather u agree or disagree on what i say & think.

P.S.: This topic popped into my mind after I watched a show called " Kiss Kiss Bang Bang ". Dang! Took me 1hr10min to write this~~~ =.='''


Luchi said...

There are also those guys who wake our curiosity.. Often very hot or pretty, kind of like your type 2.. But something different.. They can be nice and sweet, but mystical. That often make us very curious:P