Thursday, February 26, 2009


it has rained thrice today....

how i wish it were that of a thunderstorm

a huge wave of rain

torrents of water,

crashing down upon the earth which I stand,

little rain has no meaning,

it does not have the power to wash away all tears,

it cant wash away sorrow and sadness

it cannot wash away the feelings of loneliness.

A thunderstorm cant do any of the above either,


it can temporary wash away everything,

the spray of rain on my face,

on my body,

seeping into my hair,

numbing me to block out all negativeness.

How I wish there were a thunderstorm,

to help clear my mind of any troubles,

I miss the feeling of standing in a thunderstorm.

The sense of relief after being washed by the rain,

Maybe the LORD created rain just to help people get over their troubles,

be it a drought or just troublesome feelings,

the rain can temporary wash away the despair.....

the meaning and translation of this piece is based up to your own understanding, which may or may not be the same as what I orriginally meant it to be~~~ Different ppl have different oppinios and views
